Film southasia 2024



21 to 24 November, 2024

Kathmandu | 4 days

Film Southasia is pleased to announce an open call for submissions for the 14th edition of the premier documentary film festival in Southasia that  will take place from 21 – 24 November 2024 in Kathmandu.

Since 1997 Film Southasia has worked to popularise non-fiction films or   documentaries on Southasia and the subcontinent’s critical issues that inform, entertain and transform lives. Over more than a quarter century, hundreds of documentaries have screened at the festival that has been one of the last hubs for filmmakers, artists, writers and performers from across the subcontinent to meet, share their work, generate new ideas and discuss the way forward.  In between festivals, a package of some of the best  and  most representative films travel the region and overseas as mini-festivals titled Travelling Film Southasia (TFSA).

We invite you to submit your films to FSA’24 at






20 January
Submissions Open
31 July
Submission Deadline
15 September
Selections for FSA’24 Announced
21 to 24 November
Film Southasia 2024


Film Southasia is a festival of documentaries. Experiments with form are welcomed but fantasies and pure fiction are automatically disqualified.
Both shorts and full length feature productions are welcome. However, for shorts, the film duration must be more than 10 minutes.
Entries must necessarily be on Southasian themes or subjects, while the filmmakers need not be Southasian. Entries may cover any subject pertaining to Southasia: from people, culture, lifestyle and adventure to environment, economy, politics and history. Films may be in any Southasian language, but have to be subtitled or dubbed in English.

Non-fiction films made after 1 January 2022 are eligible for entry in FSA 2024. Films made in this period that have been submitted to FSA in previous years, but have not been selected, may be submitted again.

Film Southasia accepts entries in the following categories; Competitive,  Non-Competitive and Student films.
There is no charge for entry.
All entries must be submitted via our FilmFreeway page by July 15 , 2024.

Missed the deadline? Try getting in touch with us at


Non-fiction films made after 1 January 2022 are eligible for entry in FSA 2024. Films made in this period that have been submitted to FSA in previous years, but have not been selected, may be submitted again. Entries must necessarily be on Southasian themes or subjects, while the filmmakers need not be Southasian. Entries may cover any subject pertaining to Southasia: from people, culture, lifestyle, and adventure to environment, economy, politics, and history. Entries that have not been released publicly will receive some priority. Films can be shorts for feature-length but we only accept shorts longer than 10 minutes. Films may be in any Southasian language, but have to be subtitled or dubbed in English.


Film Southasia accepts entries in the following categories; Competitive, Non-Competitive and Student films.


Both shorts and full length feature productions are welcome. However, for shorts, the film duration must be more than 10 minutes.


There is no charge for entry.


Regular Deadline: 31 July, 2024

Entries must be submitted through along with an application.

Extended Deadline: 15 August, 2024

Filmmakers must contact FSA in order to get a deadline waiver code to submit films after 31 July, 2024

Selection Announcement: 15 September, 2024

List of selected films will be publicly announced on our website and our social media handles. 

Submission of final version of selected films: 1 October, 2024

Filmmakers must submit the final version of their entry through for screening at FSA before this date.


Films must be submitted via online screener ONLY. We do not accept DVDs, pen drives or hard drives.

If selected, the film you upload to must meet the following criteria:

Video bitrate: 15-25Mbps

Video Codec: h.264, h.265, Apple Prores 422 HQ/422

Video Container: MP4, MKV, MOV

Audio: 128-320 Kbps, AAC or PCM, 2 channel stereo

Resolution: FHD (1920×1080)

Cinemascope videos should HAVE black bars (Letterboxed) inside 1920×1080
Subtitles should be in English and should be on the bottom of the VIDEO AREA (NOT on the black bars)



The festival reserves the right to use up to 10 percent of the entry’s running time for promotional use. Production stills, filmmaker bio-sketches and other information submitted in the entry form may also be used for promotional purposes on the web, print, television etc.


Films submitted in the competitive category are judged by a three-member jury.

The ‘Ram Bahadur Trophy’ carries a cash prize of USD 2000, while the Jury Award, Debut Film Award and Award for Film on Surviving the Anthropocene with an All-embracing, Inclusive Approach each carry cash prizes of USD 1000.The Best Student Film Award carries a cash prize of USD 500. All awards come with citations. Selections made by the FSA Jury are final.


FSA ’24 will select a maximum of 45 films in the competitive category and a varying number in the other categories.


As in the past, FSA expects to host the maximum number of delegates of selected films. Besides attendance in screenings and the camaraderie among filmmakers coming from a spectrum of Southasian societies, November and early December is also a pleasant and culturally vibrant time to be in Kathmandu Valley. FSA offers complimentary food and accommodation to delegates, who will have to bear their own travel costs to and from their home countries.


The final submissions of the selected films will be deleted from all our databases at the filmmaker’s request unless filmmakers want the FSA Archive to retain a copy.


All submissions will be catalogued for the FSA Archive. These copies will be maintained as a record for FSA and will be made available to interested student bodies, Universities, other interested institutions, researchers and  journalists only with the express permission of the filmmakers. 


It is the sole responsibility of the filmmaker to ensure s/he owns full copyright to the submitted film. The filmmaker is required to clear all contents of the submitted film from any and all actual or potential legal claims and issues and must have express permission from all parties involved in the production of the film. FSA reserves the right to disqualify any film with unauthorised inclusion of copyrighted/trademarked content or materials. In the event that any claim, dispute, action or proceeding is asserted by any person or entity that alleges that the film makes unauthorised or unlawful use of any copyrighted content or material, the filmmaker shall fully indemnify FSA from any liability in connection therewith and from any fees and expenses that may be incurred in light of such claims.