Yan Paing Htun
Love Like Ours
Interfaith Couple’s Love Triumphs All Odds Myanmar
18 min
Yan Paing Htun
Ko Aung Zay Yar, a Muslim, and his wife Ma Tin Tin Maw, a former Buddhist turned Muslim, have called the Ayeyarwady fishing village of Nga Pote Thin their home since before Cyclone Nargis struck in 2008. They may have survived that devastating weather event, but their love is clouded by her family’s disapproval of her conversion to Islam as well as the daily prejudice they face as the only Muslim family in this otherwise entirely Buddhist community. Love Like Ours shows how they navigate these challenges and impart valuable lessons to their children about how to live your life when you are in the minority.

about the director
Born in 1999, Yan Paing Htun, who is a Muslim, is from Myaungmya in Ayeyarwady Region. In 2017, he started working as a videographer for a local NGO, Mosaic Myanmar, and in 2019 he joined film and television studio Aliens Production where he took on various roles including assistant director, sound recordist and sound designer. Yan Paing Htun joined Yangon Film School in 2020, where he has since worked as either sound recordist or cinematographer on films by his fellow-students, including Boy Queen (dir. Sai Nyi Min Htut) and Dala Boatbreakers (dir. Kaung Swan Thar). Since discovering his talent for postproduction, he has also worked as a colourist on several YFS productions. Love like Ours, which won the Ruby Award at the YFS-Goethe-Institute Documentary Competition in 2023, marks his directorial debut.